What is an Oral Presentation?

Oral presentations are forms of effective verbal communication that may be accompanied by slides. It is critical that you do not read your slides as your presentation; slides help you make a point, but do not replace your verbal communication. Presenters should not write out their presentations on slides or itemize all their points on a slide—this detracts from the engagement with the audience. If your head is always turned to your slides or looking down at your laptop, you will not deliver a powerful presentation.

Guidelines for presentation

  • Consider the sequence and relevancy of your slides. A current slide should build a path to next slide
  • Use graphs and charts to illustrate your prominent points. They will help the audience to clearly understand the content.
  • Make it simple. Too much fancy graphs and charts with huge data and numbers will confuse the audience. Don’t use flash, gif images and fancy colors. The audience will only remember those effects, not your message. Make it simple!
  • Use the 6-6-6 rule: (maximum 6 words per bullet, maximum 6 bullets per slide, and maximum 6 text slides in a row). The fewest words with effective imagery will have the most powerful effect.
  • Use high-contrast, easy-to-read fonts that are common to most computers. Do not use ALL CAPS, italics, and other enhancements that clutter and distract. A good guideline is a minimum of 30-point font.


What is an Oral Presentation?

Oral presentations are forms of effective verbal communication that may be accompanied by slides. It is critical that you do not read your slides as your presentation; slides help you make a point, but do not replace your verbal communication. Presenters should not write out their presentations on slides or itemize all their points on a slide—this detracts from the engagement with the audience. If your head is always turned to your slides or looking down at your laptop, you will not deliver a powerful presentation.

General Guidelines for Creating an effective Poster Presentation

How you should make the content of a poster? A good poster should answer following questions.
  • Does the poster deliver a message?
  • Is the information not enough or too much?
  • Do the graphics express the information?
  • Is the presentation original in its content or findings?
  • Is the methodology mentioned?
  • Are the aims and objectives mentioned?
  • Are the conclusions/results presented?