Digital Business Quiz will be conducted electronically through a digital platform or software on topics related to the business world & digital concepts. A Digital Business Quiz is a series of questions designed to assess knowledge and understanding of various business concepts, theories, current events and digital technologies.


  • Every team will consist of 3 members.
  • Questions will be based on Digital Business Awareness.
  • Every team is required to carry one smart phone with internet connection in order to take partin this quiz
  • There will be 2 rounds in the quiz competition:
  1. Preliminary Round
  2. Final Round

The Preliminary round will have 30 questions, and Final round will have 20 questions. The following rules will be applicable:

  • Each question will carry equal marks.
  • The marks will be given on the basis of quickness of response given by the team.
  • A team shall get 30 seconds to answer each question.
  • Only top 6 teams will be selected for final round.
  • In case of tie between 2 or more teams, further 5 questions will be asked for final selection.


Coordinator: Mr. Rajesh Lohar – 9929486944