Data-Matics is designed not just to put your analytical skills under the microscope, but to refine them, strengthen them, and prepare you for real-world problem-solving scenarios.


Data-Matics Execution: Participants will dive into the dataset, dissect it, and devise their solutions. Once they’re confident in their work, they’ll submit their solutions through the Data-Matics platform.


Platform for Data Analysis: Excel,IBM SPSS, R


Submission Guidelines: File presenting the analysis with interpretation notes and codes used for analysis need to be submitted on submission link.



  • Data sheets for analysis will be provided in excel file format after registration on Data-Meticsdashboard.
  • For Data-MeticsDatathon teams will be a maximum of 3 people.
  • Teams should be made up exclusively of students/professionals.
  • Submit only one analysis report and file per team.
  • All work on a project should be done during the Datathon.
  • Teams can be disqualified from the competition at the organizers’ discretion. Reasons might include but are not limited to breaking the Competition Rules, behaving in a way that violates the Datathon code of conduct, or other unsporting behavior.

Evaluation Criteria: In the final jury round, the winner will be determined based on:

  • 30% Statistical and Algorithms
  • 30% Innovation and Creativity
  • 20% Business Outcome or Impact
  • 20% Presentation and Communication Skills.


Coordinator: Dr. Ashish Adholiya – 8619602362